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PRN Winter Coupon - Receive 10% Off on any PRN one item by at checkout! Coupons cannot be combined and valid through February 8th. Only one usage! The PRN is committed to assisting its partner eye health professionals in supporting the health, education, and well-being of their patients through superior customer service and the application of peer-reviewed clinical research.
Cliradex Winter Coupon - Get 10% Off on any one Light Foam, Towelettes or Complete Kit by entering at checkout! Coupons cannot be combined and valid through February 8th. Only one usage! Cliradex, a proprietary brand of BioTissue, is a patented formula available as a foam cleanser for mild-to-moderate conditions and in towelettes for moderate-to-severe ocular irritation.
Doc Advantage Winter Coupon - Save 10% on any Doc Advantage one product by at checkout! Coupons cannot be combined and valid through February 8th. Only one usage! DA products provide patients with evidence-based nutriceuticals to support their long-term ocular health that are formulated with the highest standards of product quality and efficacy.